Experiment, thanks to the inexhaustible potential of technology.

Mimaki is committed to designing solutions that support the evolution of the Business following the most current guidelines for the digital transformation of Industry 4.0: Internet of Things, Robotics, Work Force Automation, Connectivity . IoT and automation are widely recognized as powerful tools for optimizing business processes .

Thanks to the activity carried out by the Research & Development department and numerous collaborations with workflow automation experts, Mimaki is at the forefront of innovation in the sector. It has created connected, integrated solutions that can communicate with robots and other external peripherals such as conveyor belts, controllers and cutting systems. The goal is to automate printing systems to allow on-demand production without operator supervision and enable massive customization .

The advantages are significant for all printing service providers, regardless of the size or sectors in which they operate: increased productivity, flexibility in materials management , reduction in machine setup times .

Thus in Mimaki, IN TROTEC and Bompan
“We imagine the future of digital printing & LASER”.